James And The Express - Your Friend, JATE cd

(Jigsaw Records, PZL048)

James And The Express - Your Friend, JATE cd

(Jigsaw Records, PZL048)

Regular price $10.00

this follow-up album to the band's debut album on Series Two Records was a long time in the making, but well worth the wait! We're really excited to be working with this Olympian fellow (named James, obviously!), as his style of indiepop fits exactly to our tastes, with its jangly guitars, peppy songs and friendly-sounding vocals that bring to mind True Love Always, Honeybunch or Jigsaw label-mate Anthony Rochester. This is a simple bedroom project from a man who's not trying to conquer the world, but you'll gladly surrender your heart to him on the very first listen...
Not limited. All songs written by James And The Express. Available digitally on Bandcamp.
  1. All So Hard
  2. When Your Heart Is Breaking
  3. When You Don't Love Me Back
  4. One Lie At A Time
  5. Love Will Only Get In The Way
  6. They Didn't Know About You
  7. It's Only A Game
  8. Your Heart's Calling
  9. Tell Your Friends
  10. Bikes In Amsterdam
  11. My Friend, Jim
  12. New Luck