Close Lobsters - Janice Long session 15.07.86 10"

(Precious Recordings)

Close Lobsters - Janice Long session 15.07.86 10"

(Precious Recordings)

Regular price $20.00

recorded before they even had a single to their name, this excellent session includes a quartet of c86-era janglepop classics!

NOTE: if you order both Close Lobsters 10"s together, you'll also get a bonus record of their 1989 session on Radio Clyde (which is unaffiliated with the BBC, hence the bootleg-styled aesthetic) containing three songs from their recently-released "Headache Rhetoric" lp and a Soft Cell cover!

  1. Never Seen Before
  2. Pathetic Trivia
  3. Going To Heaven To See If It Rains
  4. Nothing Really Matters