Ocean's Eleven - Symptoms Of A Crazy Day cd

(The Golden Pathway)

Ocean's Eleven - Symptoms Of A Crazy Day cd

(The Golden Pathway)

Regular price $14.00

composed of (present & future) members of the Chesterfields, Psycodaisies, Thatcher On Acid and Amazing Cattle, this rather good mid-'80s janglepop band only managed to record a three-song demo (tracks 1-3), but luckily a well-recorded live set also exists, and is presented here along with the handful of songs recorded after the band became Oxygen Pete
  1. Back Door To Paradise
  2. Cat On A Raft
  3. Purple Plain
  4. Weight Off My Mind (live)
  5. Forever Amber (live)
  6. Jonathan Rain (live)
  7. Dangerous Summer (live)
  8. Faith In Angels (live)
  9. Looking For Sister Francis (live)
  10. Back Door To Paradise (live)
  11. Cat On A Raft (live)
  12. Purple Plain (live)
  13. Julie Christie
  14. Robert
  15. Forever Amber
  16. Jonathan Rain/Empire
  17. Faith In Angels
  18. Ever Fallen In Love