Regrets - Endless Desire cdep

(Jigsaw Records, PZL152)

Regrets - Endless Desire cdep

(Jigsaw Records, PZL152)

Regular price $5.00

We've been releasing a fair amount of local Seattle bands on Jigsaw lately, and here's another one! The Regrets fuse the tuneful, romantic simplicity of '60s pop with the energetic, jangling underground garage-pop sounds of the decades since. With wistful lyrics, reverb-fringed guitars and catchy melodies, these guys make fuzzed-out, infectious songs about youth, love & self-doubt. This is their second release (following a self-released EP from a couple years back), and it was superbly produced by Dylan Wall at the renowned Hall Of Justice studio. I'd keep my eye on this band, as they're obviously poised for greatness!

Not limited. All songs written by the Regrets. Available digitally on Bandcamp.

  1. Temporary Attachment
  2. Under A Sideways Moon
  3. Houndstooth
  4. Swagger
  5. Every Kiss (Feels Like It Could Be The Last)